Arts _ Culture Compilations Part 1 (Chapter 12 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF INDIA)

Natya Shastra, compiled by Bharat Muni, divides musical instruments into 4 categories on how sound is produced:Tatya Vadya/ Chordophones - Stringed Instruments.Sushira Vadya/ Aerophones- Wind Instruments. Avanaddha Vadya/ Membranophones- Percussion Instruments.Ghana…

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Arts _ Culture Compilations Part 1 (Chapter 5 IMPORTANT INSTITUTIONS)

All India Radio National broadcasting service planned, serviced, developed & operated by Min. of Information & Broadcasting. Operations began in 1936. Objectives- to inform, educate, entertain the masses. Today- 198 Broadcasting centres+…

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(World History) United Nations

 THE UNITED NATIONS It is an international organization whose stated aims include promoting and facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil rights, civil…

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