- Indian Diaspora-
The first wave of migrants
- During colonial period (British period) millions of the indentured labourers were sent to Mauritius, Caribbean islands (Trinidad, Tobago and Guyana), Fiji and South Africa by British from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar;
- to Reunion Island, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Surinam by French and Dutch and
- by Portuguese from Goa, Daman and Diu to Angola, Mozambique to work as plantation workers.
- All such migrations were covered under the time-bound contract known as GIRMIT Act (Indian Emigration Act).
The second wave of migrants
- professionals, artisans, traders and factory workers, in search of economic opportunities to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and African countries, etc. and the trend still continues.
- There was a steady out flow of India‟s semi-skilled and skilled labor in the wake of the oil boom in West Asia in the 1970s. There was also some outflow of entrepreneurs, storeowners, professionals, businessmen to Western Countries.
Third wave, of migrant
- professionals like doctors, engineers (1960s onwards), software engineers, management consultants, financial experts, media persons (1980s onwards), and others migrated to countries such as USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Germany, etc.
- These professional enjoy the distinction of being one of highly educated, the highest earning and prospering groups.
- After liberalization, in the 90s education and knowledge–based Indian emigration has made Indian Diaspora one of the most powerful diaspora as in the world.
- In all these countries, Indian diaspora has been playing an important role in the development of the respective countries.
- Census in India contains information about migration in the country
- Migration was recorded beginning from the first Census of India conducted in 1881.
- Data were recorded on the basis of place of birth
- first major modification was introduced in 1961 Census by bringing in two additional components viz; place of birth i.e. village or town and duration of residence (if born elsewhere).
- Further in 1971, additional information on place of last residence and duration of stay at the place of enumeration were incorporated. Information on reasons for migration were incorporated in 1981 Census and modified in consecutive Censuses.
- In the Census of India migration is enumerated on two bases :
(i) place of birth, if the place of birth is different from the place of enumeration (known as life-time migrant);
(ii) place of residence, if the place of last residence is different from the place of enumeration (known as migrant by place of last residence).
Streams of Migration-
1. Internal migration (within the country)-
- rural to rural (R-R);
- rural to urban (R-U);
- urban to urban (U-U); and
- urban to rural (U-R).
- The stream was dominated by female migrants. Most of these were migrants related to marriage
- men predominate the rural to urban stream of inter-state migration due to economic reasons
2. International migration (out of the country and into the country from other countries)
- than 5 million person have migrated to India from other countries.
- Bangladesh (3.0 million) followed by Pakistan (0.9 million) and Nepal (0.5 million)
- 20 million people of Indian Diaspora, spread across 110 countries.
3. Maharashtra occupied first place in the list with 2.3 million net in-migrants (interstate), followed by Delhi, Gujarat and Haryana.
4. On the other hand, Uttar Pradesh (-2.6 million) and Bihar (-1.7 million) were the states, which had the largest number of net out-migrants from the state
Causes of Migration-
1. Push factor, these cause people to leave their place of residence or origin
- people migrate from rural to urban areas mainly due to poverty, high population pressure on the land, lack of basic infrastructural facilities like health care, education, etc.
- natural disasters such as, flood, drought, cyclonic storms, earthquake,
- Diaspora one of the most powerful diaspora as in the world.
- In all these countries, Indian diaspora has been playing an important role in the development of the respective countries.
- Census in India contains information about migration in the country
- Migration was recorded beginning from the first Census of India conducted in 1881.
- Data were recorded on the basis of place of birth
- first major modification was introduced in 1961 Census by bringing in two additional components viz; place of birth i.e. village or town and duration of residence (if born elsewhere).
- Further in 1971, additional information on place of last residence and duration of stay at the place of enumeration were incorporated. Information on reasons for migration were incorporated in 1981 Census and modified in consecutive Censuses.
- In the Census of India migration is enumerated on two bases :
(i) place of birth, if the place of birth is different from the place of enumeration (known as life-time migrant);
(ii) place of residence, if the place of last residence is different from the place of enumeration (known as migrant by place of last residence).
Streams of Migration-
1. Internal migration (within the country)-
rural to rural (R-R);
rural to urban (R-U);
urban to urban (U-U); and
urban to rural (U-R).
- The stream was dominated by female migrants. Most of these were migrants related to marriage
- men predominate the rural to urban stream of inter-state migration due to economic reasons
2. International migration (out of the country and into the country from other countries)
- than 5 million person have migrated to India from other countries.
- Bangladesh (3.0 million) followed by Pakistan (0.9 million) and Nepal (0.5 million)
- 20 million people of Indian Diaspora, spread across 110 countries.
3. Maharashtra occupied first place in the list with 2.3 million net in-migrants (interstate), followed by Delhi, Gujarat and Haryana.
4. On the other hand, Uttar Pradesh (-2.6 million) and Bihar (-1.7 million) were the states, which had the largest number of net out-migrants from the state
Causes of Migration-
1. Push factor, these cause people to leave their place of residence or origin
- people migrate from rural to urban areas mainly due to poverty, high population pressure on the land, lack of basic infrastructural facilities like health care, education, etc.
- natural disasters such as, flood, drought, cyclonic storms, earthquake.
2. Pull factors, which attract the people from different places
- The rural migrants to urban areas is the better opportunities, availability of regular work and relatively higher wages.
- Better opportunities for education, better health facilities and sources of entertainment, etc.
Consequences of Migration-
1. Economic Consequences-
- A major benefit for the source region is the remittance sent by migrants. Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of foreign exchange.
- Migration from rural areas of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa to the rural areas of Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh accounted for the success of their green revolution strategy for agricultural development.
- Development of slums in industrially developed states such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Delhi is a negative consequence.
2. Demographic Consequences
- Rural urban migration is one of the important factors contributing to the population growth of cities.
- Age, sex and skill selective out migration from the rural area have adverse effect on the rural demographic structure.
3. Social Consequences
- Migrants act as agents of social change.
- The new ideas related to new technologies, family planning, girl‟s education, etc. get diffused from urban to rural areas through them.
- Intermixing of people from diverse cultures. It has positive contribution such as evolution of composite culture and breaking through the narrow considerations and widens up the mental horizon of the people at large.
- But it also has serious negative consequences such as anonymity, which creates social vacuum and sense of dejection among individuals. Continued feeling of dejection may motivate people to fall in the trap of anti-social activities like crime and drug abuse
4. Environmental Consequences
- put pressure on the existing social and physical infrastructure in the urban areas.
- This ultimately leads to unplanned growth of urban settlement and formation of slums shanty colonies.
- Apart from this, due to over –exploitation of natural resources, cities are facing the acute problem of depletion of ground water, air pollution, disposal of sewage and management of solid wastes.
5. Others
- Migration (even excluding the marriage migration) affects the status of women directly or indirectly.
- In the rural areas, male selective out migration leaving their wives behind puts extra physical as well mental pressure on the women.
- Migration of „women‟ either for education or employment enhances their autonomy and role in the economy but also increases their vulnerability.
- If remittances are the major benefits of migration from the point of view of the source region, the loss of human resources particularly highly skilled people is the most serious cost.
- The market for advanced skills has become truly a global market and the most dynamic industrial economies are admitting and recruiting significant proportions of the highly trained professionals from poor regions. Consequently, the existing underdevelopment in the source region gets reinforced